Chemical Industry Council of Illinois (CICI) Members
Mark Biel, Chief Executive Officer [email protected] or 217/522-5805
Afternoon Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update – 4,596 Confirmed Cases, 65 Deaths; University of Washington’s Projections; Updated CICI Member Services
This afternoon, the Illinois Dept. of Public Health (IDPH) is reporting a total of 99 deaths, an increase of 26 from yesterday, out of 5,994 now-confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in Illinois, which is an increase of 937 new cases since yesterday. In total, 35,225 people have been tested for the virus, an increase of 4,779 new tests since yesterday.
At this time, there are no press reports on how many of these cases are hospitalized, hospitalized in an ICU, or quarantined and recovering at home. However, IDPH has sent a survey to everyone who’ve tested positive for COVID-19, and of those who have responded, 48% of the cases have made a recovery. More responses from this survey are expected to show an increase in the recovery percentage. Early data from IDPH indicates that up to 80% of the COVID-19 cases will not need critical care.
You can see where these cases are occurring at the State of Illinois COVID-19 website which also contains more information on this outbreak. In addition, Western Illinois University has an put together this Map of COVID-19 Cases in Illinois & Surrounding States to give you a better picture of where COVID-19 cases are at in relation to areas surrounding Illinois.
New Executive Order Extending “Stay-at-Home” Order Until April 30. Governor Pritzker announced at his daily press briefing today that he will issue another Stay-at-Home Executive Order effective until April 30. The previous order does not expire until April 7. It is believed at this time that the Stay-at-Home order will merely be an extension of the current order and not include any new provisions concerning essential business operations or essential employees.
Remote Learning for All Schools. Governor Pritzker also announced that every school district, and perhaps each individual school, is working on implementing remote or e-learning plans to finish out the school year. In addition, no additional school days will be added to the school calendar. No word yet on graduation ceremonies or holding of proms.
Organized Labor Urge Federal Action. At Governor Pritzker’s press conference today, the President of the Illinois AFL-CIO called upon OSHA to issue an emergency temporary standard to protect all workers at potential risk of occupational exposure to all infectious diseases, including COVID-19. He also called upon the governor and the state’s congressional delegation to urge President Trump to utilize the Defense Production Act to mobilize all of industry to produce the necessary safety equipment and products to keep workers and their families safe.