
Chemical Industry Council of Illinois (CICI) Members


Mark Biel, Chief Executive Officer
[email protected] or 217/522-5805 


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update - Illinois Supreme Court Issues COVID-19 Rules for Courthouses; Updated Specific State Information on COVID-19 Orders; Update on COVID-19 Cases 

Illinois Supreme Court Issues COVID-19 Rules for Courthouses:  The Illinois Supreme Court this week issued a set of rules for all Illinois courts mandating face coverings and other efforts to prevent COVID-19 infections.

Individuals, including judges, court staff, parties, attorneys, jurors and witnesses, should not enter any courthouse if they:

  • are not wearing a mask or face covering;
  • have new flu-like symptoms including fever, cough, or shortness of breath (excluding such symptoms caused by chronic conditions);
  • currently have been directed to quarantine or isolate at home by any medical provider or public health official; or
  • reside or have regular close contact with a person currently subject to a quarantine or isolation direction issued by a medical provider or public health official.

Masks or face coverings should be worn at all times while in the courthouse unless the person is (1) otherwise instructed by court personnel; (2) under the age of 2; or (3) incapacitated, having trouble breathing, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.  If available, masks should be provided to individuals who do not have them.

If a touchless/contactless thermometer is available, a temperature check as individuals enter the courthouse should be considered. Individuals with a temperature that is 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher should not enter any courthouse.

Updated Specific State Information on COVID-19 OrdersAs usual, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) this week has again updated their comprehensive chart detailing state specific orders, re-opening plans, and other restrictions as well as executive orders and legislation relating to business liability.  This chart is attached to this UpdateThese figures will be updated and reported here at least once a week.

Update on COVID-19 Cases: IDPH is reporting 229,483 positive cases of COVID-19 in Illinois, an average increase of 2,004 new cases per day since reported here 3 days ago on August 25.  In total, 3,924,305 tests have now been conducted in Illinois for the virus, an average increase of 47,751 tests per day since August 25.  The state’s average positivity rate over all 11 regions is at 4.19%.  Again, you can see where the various regions are at in terms of their positivity rates, hospitalizations and other metrics at this link.     

Unfortunately, IDPH is reporting a total of 7,997 deaths, an average increase of 26 per day since August 25.

You can also check where these cases are occurring at the State of Illinois COVID-19 website which also contains more information on this outbreak.

Also, IDPH has a case breakdown of the number of positive cases in Chicago and each county relative to the number of fatalities.  The IDPH website also now includes a breakdown of the cases under each zip code in the state.

For information on other states and countries, John Hopkins University has developed this website that provides invaluable resources at a one-stop location detailing testing and tracing trends, timelines of COVID-19 policies, and interactive maps.

1400 E. Touhy Ave, Suite 110
Des Plaines, IL 60018
Tel: (847) 544-5995
Fax: (847) 544-5999