Chemical Industry Council of Illinois
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Sponsorships - August 15 Golf Outing/General Membership Mtg
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Category: CICI General Membership Meeting


August 15 Golf Outing/General Membership Meeting


On August 15, 2024, CICI will hold its Annual Golf Outing/General Membership Meeting at Klein Creek Golf Club in Winfield.  Once again, CICI is making sponsorships available to benefit CICI and CHEMPAC, the only political action committee which solely represents the chemical industry.

Please make sure your voice is heard in Springfield! Please consider one of the sponsorship opportunities for CICI’s Annual Golf Outing/General Membership Meeting.

NOTE: Corporate contributions to CHEMPAC are legal and encouraged.
Here are the sponsorships available for the 2024 General Membership Meeting and Golf Outing:

_____  $750 - Hole Sponsorship to benefit CHEMPAC (CICI’s Political Action Committee)

_____  $1,500 - Hole-In-One Sponsorship to benefit CHEMPAC

_____  $1,500 - Booth on the Golf Course to promote your company


_____  $1,000 - Silver Sponsor

_____  $2,000 - Gold Sponsor

_____  $3,000 - Platinum Sponsor

Enclosed is our check for $______________for ______________ sponsorship(s).

Name_____________________________________ Phone______________________

Company Name_________________________________________________________

Address__________________________ City____________ State_____ Zip___________

Bill Company __________                        Payment Enclosed __________

______ VISA    _____ MASTERCARD    _____ AMERICAN EXPRESS      ____ DISCOVER

Name ______________________________ Signature ______________________________

Account Number ________________________________ Expiration Date __________

CCV ______________  Billing Zip Code _________________

How would you like your company listed on the sign and/or send artwork (graphics, logos, etc.) to Brad Babcook at [email protected].

To be a sponsor, either:

- Online Registration & Payment:  HERE

- Mail your form and check to:  CICI
                                                       1400 E. Touhy Ave., Suite 210
                                                        Des Plaines, IL. 60018

- E-mail this form with your information to: [email protected]