CICI's "When You Are Doing Business Legally, Then the Government Says You're Not" Seminar
Sponsored by Chemical Industry Council of Illinois
August 28, 2019 – 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
William Tell Holiday Inn
6201 Joliet Road
Countryside, IL 60525
(breakfast and lunch included)
Topics include:
USEPA Chemical Risk Analysis (IRIS) Development and Process - Kimberly Wise White, Ph.D., American Chemistry Council
TRI Reporting/Remote Modeling - John Iwanski, Trinity Consultants and Dyron Hamlin, GHD
How can your facility be shut down while operating legally? - Tom Dimond, Ice Miller
Policy and Politics - Eric Boyd, Thompson Coburn and Mark Biel, CICI
Communications and PR - Ryan McLaughlin, Mac Strategies Group and Pat Kornick, ERM
What else can shut your facility down? - Alec Messina, HeplerBroom
Cancellation Deadline: Friday, August 23, 2019.
Cost: $295.00 for CICI/IPC members; $425.00 for non-member companies
Online Registration available HERE
Attendee Name: ______________________ Attendee Name: ______________________
Company: ___________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________ State: _____ Zip: ____________
Phone: (_____)___________________ Fax: (_____)____________________
Please mail your registration and payment to CICI, 1400 East Touhy, Suite 110, Des Plaines, IL 60018; or fax at 847-544-5999. For questions, please call Lisa Leahy at CICI’s Des Plaines’ Office at 847-544-5995.
Bill Company __________ Payment Enclosed __________ DISCOVER __________
Name _________________________________
Signature _______________________________
Account Number ____________________________________ Expiration Date ____________ CCV _______
Continuing maintenance points/contact hours (please check all that apply)
Industrial Hygienists (IH)____ Certified Hazardous Materials Managers (CHMM)_____
MCLE/ARDC#_________ Certified Safety Professionals (CSP)___
Professional Engineers (PE)______ Certificate of Completion (COC)_______